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Fabriksarbetare i Bangladesh, 2014. Fotot är från en av Swedwatch researchresor till landet.

Inte ens en procent av företagen omfattas av nytt lagförslag från EU

Den 23 februari presenterade EU-kommissionen sitt lagförslag om företags ansvar för mänskliga rättigheter och miljö i sina värdekedjor. Civilsamhället välkomnar att det efter flera förseningar föreslås bindande regler för företag, men förslaget riskerar att bli en papperstiger. En stor brist är att små och medelstora företag inte omfattas – och de utgör 99 procent av företagen i EU.

Contaminated ground water from a borewell in Gaddapotharam, India. From the report "The Health Paradox". Photo: Shailendra Yashwant

Towards increased transparency in the pharmaceutical supply chain

Industrial emissions from manufacturing of medicines are often associated with environmental pollution, adversely impacting ecosystems and human health. However, opaque supply chains make it impossible to hold polluters to account. In a new policy paper, Swedwatch calls on EU policymakers to strengthen their oversight on industrial emissions in the pharmaceutical sector.
Pharmaceuticals ar

Förgiftat grundvatten, Gaddapotharam, Indien. Från Swedwatch rapport "The Health Paradox" (2020). Foto: Shailendra Yashwant

Öka kontrollen av industriella utsläpp i läkemedelsindustrin

Tillverkning av läkemedel är ofta förknippat med föroreningar, som i sin tur påverkar miljö och mänskliga rättigheter negativt. En omfattande brist på transparens i läkemedelsindustrin gör det samtidigt omöjligt att ställa ansvariga till svars. Nu uppmanar Swedwatch EU att stärka sin kontroll över utsläppen i produktionsfasen.

COP26 commitments welcomed but the outcome lacks substance in the most important areas

COP26 commitments welcomed but the outcome lacks substance in the most important areas

Denounced by many as one of the least inclusive in the history of climate negotiations, COP26 narrowly avoided failure by adapting the Glasgow Climate Pact at the very last minute. However, due to its several compromises, the most encouraging deals were those closed in parallel initiatives.
After nearly two weeks of negotiations, global leaders at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow managed

Swedwatch welcomes historic indictment against Swedish oil company executives

The chairman and former CEO of Swedish oil company Lundin Energy have been indicted for their involvement in international crimes, allegedly perpetrated between 1999 and 2003 during the civil war in Sudan. Swedwatch welcomes the indictment and urges the company and its shareholders to finally compensate the victims.
Between 1997 and 2003, Lundin Energy (then Lundin Oil) prospected for oil in so

Blood oil: The role of past investors in delivering access to justice

For more than ten years, a prosecutor has investigated the role that Swedish oil company Lundin Energy played in war crimes allegedly committed in the company’s concession area during the civil war in Sudan. For decades, the victims of these events have been waiting for justice. But what responsibility do the financial institutions that invested in the company have?
2021 marks the 10th annivers

Vilket ansvar har investerare för tidigare innehav?

I mer än tio år har svenska åklagare utrett om det finns kopplingar mellan oljebolaget Lundin Energys verksamhet i Sudan och krigsförbrytelser som ägde rum i landet under inbördeskriget. Lika länge har offren väntat på rättvisa.

Finance in Common: CSO voices still missing

The 2021 Finance in Common Summit left many asking the same question as the previous year: where was civil society? While the summit advanced on covid-19 support and partnerships between public development banks, it fell short in including community voices. However, a commitment to increase dialogue efforts gives reason to be cautiously optimistic.

On the 19-20th of October 2021 the

Open letter: Sweden should join call for fossil fuel phase out at COP26

Open letter: Sweden should join call for fossil fuel phase out at COP26

Ahead of the COP26 summit, the Swedish government has shown climate leadership by announcing it will double its climate development aid by 2025. Next, Sweden should back a high-level initiative urging governments to phase out public finance support to fossil fuels overseas – an opportunity for Sweden to step up climate action in the area of export finance, Swedwatch and the Swedish Society for Nat

Findings from Swedwatch´s 2020 report "Up in Smoke"; trucks from several European manufacturers were used for the transportation of coal between mines and coal-fired power stations.

Time for Swedish leadership in carbon-free export finance

Despite positive steps taken by Swedish export credit agencies to stop its support to fossil fuel extraction and exploration, supporting projects in the oil and gas value chains is still allowed. Now is the time for Sweden to show climate leadership and to phase out export support to all fossil fuel energy projects, a new Swedwatch policy paper argues.
Significant progress has recently been mad

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For sustainable change

Swedwatch är en ideell och politiskt obunden researchorganisation. Vårt mål är att företag, investerare och stater ska ta ansvar för mänskliga rättigheter och miljö och att rättighetsinnehavare kan göra sina röster hörda.

Genom att uppmärksamma missförhållanden och skapa dialog mellan företag, beslutsfattare och civilsamhälle verkar vi för att skapa bestående och hållbara förändringar.


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